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美JOUCOMATIC雙電控電磁閥, 554SS43AKG00040

簡(jiǎn)要描述:美JOUCOMATIC雙電控電磁閥, 554SS43AKG00040
C =5.8×10-8 m3/s.Pa(聲速流導(dǎo))
B =0,28(靜壓??)
ISO1分之5599尺寸1-2-3 - AFNOR NF E49080
單個(gè)底板ISO/ AFNOR NF E49085
可連接底板的ISO/ VDMA24345

  • 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):-
  • 廠商性質(zhì):經(jīng)銷商
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-09-12
  • 訪  問  量:1379


美JOUCOMATIC雙電控電磁閥, 554SS43AKG00040
There are two exhaust flows in the exhaust mode (pilot and main). The pilot
exhaust must be connected to the main exhaust when the air or inert gas can
not be exhausted to the atmosphere.
For “Quick Exhaust” valves, pressure port is 1/16", exhaust port is 1/4".
IMPORTANT: A minimum operating pressure differential must be maintained
between the pressure and exhaust ports. Supply and exhaust piping must be full
area, unrestricted. ASCO flow controls and other similar components must be
installed in the cylinder lines only.
Diaphragm and main disc FKM only (pilot is low-temperature NBR).
Zero minimum when valve selection gasket is in external position and proper
auxiliary air pressure is applied. See chart on page 150 for auxiliary
pressure vs. mainline pressure. Minimum 15 psi Operating Pressure Differential
when selection gasket is in the internal position.
• Modular assembly with joinable subbases
• Subbases with side or bottom ports
Fluid Air or neutral gas, fi ltered, lubricated or not
Operating pressure +3 to +10 bar (with internal supply to pilot)
– 0,950 to +12 bar (with external supply to pilot)
Can be used with vacuum – 0,950 bar max.
Pilot pressure See specifi cations tables
Ambient temperature – 10°C to +60°C
Flow (Qv at 6 bar) 1400 l/min (ANR) 2800 l/min (ANR) 4200 l/min (ANR)
- conforming to ISO 6358 C = 5,8 x 10–8 m3/s.Pa (sonic conductance)
b = 0,28 (absolute static pressure)
Response time See tables choice of equipment
Life 30 millions of cycles 15 millions of cycles
Base ISO 5599/1 sizes 1-2-3 - AFNOR NF E49080
Subbase Single subbase ISO/AFNOR NF E49085
Joinable subbase ISO/VDMA 24345
Joinable subbase with integrated functions
Pilot and return assembly POM (polyacetal)
Seals NBR (nitrile) and PUR (polyurethane)
Internal parts POM (polyacetal), light alloy

美JOUCOMATIC雙電控電磁閥, 554SS43AKG00040



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